
The things that take pictures.

Article 23/02 2013

I love (and I loathe) the Fuji X100

There's no doubt that the Fuji X100 is a fantastic camera, and I use mine all the time and love it. But man, there's a bunch of Fuji engineers who deserve a severe spanking!
Article 03/10 2011

What's in my bag

I see these articles and videos all over the web, and like them. Despite claiming the opposite, we're obsessed with gear, aren't we? Here is my gear list.
Article 30/08 2007

Reasons not to replace my D200

I am sure I will keep on taking great pictures with my D200 in spite of Nikon's recent announcement of a D300 and a D3.
Article 08/10 2006

The FPS-craze

Frames per second or FPS can sell cameras. This seems pretty crazy to me. The average Joe does not need 5 or 8 FPS...
Article 24/07 2006

LCD-displays on DSLR's

Why Minolta's way of using the large display on the backside of their DSLR's is such a brillant idea
Article 11/07 2006

Canon Powershot A80

My specimen of this little gem is closing in on 10,000 pictures, and has been a very useful and versatile tool
Article 11/07 2006

Nikon CoolPix 775

My first real digital point-and-shoot camera. Back from when 2 megapixels was the standard. It has taken some really excellent pictures in spite of that.
Article 11/07 2006

Point-and-shoot cameras

The compact digital P&S-cameras are a fantastic supplement to the DSLR -- provided you choose the right one.
Article 06/07 2006

The infamous crop factor

Full frame or APS size sensor? The debate seems never ending. Here's my view on the matter.
Article 01/07 2006

Minolta Dynax/Maxxum 500si

Small, lightweight and pretty nice
