It’s not a new camera – even though it’s new to me. It’s a Nikon D750, a camera launched 10 years go, but it’s great!
I was commissioned to shoot a continuing series of images of jewelry for a web site. Here’s what I did.
Everybody shoots colorful and stylish images of delicious meals and posts them online. I ate the meals and photographed the empty plates
My experience with my Intrepid 4x5 never really progressed beyond unpacking the camera. That's changing!
I have been using the Manfrotto Arms extensively in stead of tripods and other camera platforms. Here are my experiences.
How to set your SLR to be faster, save battery, save card space – and potentially let you take better photos at the same time. Yes, it's possible!
You can leave autofocus alone and let the camera decide. Or you can take control, using the AF to your advantage - and probably get better pictures.
No, I don't mean a someone who takes pictures of wheelchairs or of people in wheelchairs, but a photographer sitting in a wheelchair. That's what I am.
The favorite rule has to be the last one, but the nine first are very useful too.
In spite of people's warm feelings for mirrorless and the gazillion great photos shot with camera phones, I don't intend to give up my SLRs any time soon