Published August 27th 2006
Crazy shots
Sometimes you need to go a bit berserk, do the unexpected and surprise yourself by breaking some of the rules

This was shot because of the colors. It's blurred and not exactly beautiful, but the colors of this scene... whoa!
[Canon PowerShot A80]
[Canon PowerShot A80]
Most of the pictures I take are shot to be well composed, perfectly exposed and technically good. I want the subjects to be easily recognizable and preferably good looking. I strive for beauty, aesthetics, representation of reality and all that stuff that most photographers strive for. I like my images to look nice and make people say: "great shot" and "well done" and respect me because I have some great gear, technical skills and know how to use reflections, a fill flash and exposure control.
Surprising myself
But ever since I started taking pictures I have also enjoyed breaking rules, taking chances and shooting crazy pictures. I have always looked for strange subjects and odd situations, and since I'm often armed with a camera, I also get the chance to shoot something not planned.Personally I love those shots. Nice, well exposed and sharp shots are a fine thing and what most people want, but I have some shots in my collection, which defy most rules -- yet they are still really nice pictures.
On you
One way of getting these crazy images is by bringing your camera. Have it on you. Have it in the car, in a backpack, around your neck. Just have it. The next step in getting these images is by shooting and experimenting. Don't set out to get the usual nice pictures, but shoot no matter what the odds are of getting a great picture in the normal sense. This way you will wind up with hundreds of crazy pictures of which most will be useless. But a few will be worth looking at and contain something that makes them stand out.Bad in all ways
Many of my crazy shots are blurred, unfocused, shaken, under or over-exposed, have the wrong white balance, strange composition, weird perspective or a host of other things that would normally deem them useless. But in spite of their often plentiful selection of several of these usually bad traits they're good.I still shoot crazy and intend to keep on doing so. Slow sync flash shots, slow shutter speeds, camera motion and what-have-you. All these things and more will keep me well supplied with crazy shots.