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Published August 27th 2013

The Petzval craze


OK, I admit it... I also signed up for a Lomo Petzval lens

The Petzval lens in brass.
When Lomography first announced their Petzval lens on Kickstarter I was intrigued, but thought that 300 USD was just a little too much for a lens that I really didn't need and which was a bit on the fringe. But as the days passed I was more and more stirred by the commotion, and once I decided to go for it, the first 100 lenses at 300 bucks were gone. Soon the next 599 users had signed up for a lens at 350.- and as the Lomography fundraiser soared towards the current almost 1.4 million USD (yup! Almost one and a half million, and they wanted just 100,000.-) I decided to shell out the money and go for the $400.- offer. It's more than the original $300.-, but less than the final price of almost $500.- and currently comes with quite a few perks like a leather pouch, a brass lens cap and a camera strap thanks to the overwhelming funding.

Now I'm just waiting together with about 3,350 other backers. Lomo says it will be out in March. I'm looking forward to playing with it.

Some people find it a stunt, but I personally love crazy lenses and I think it's a great initiative and a very cool lens. Well done, Lomo!
